The WBS Segment Definitions function on the Object Definitions tab of the Admin Page is available for Portal Administrators to define and manage WBS Segment Definitions for Tasks and SubTasks on the Contract.  These WBS Segment Definitions used to give names to WBS Segments within a WBS.  Administrators can add new WBS Segments, edit existing WBS Segments and delete WBS Segments.

See Glossary for more information on a WBS.


Users with any of the following Permissions may manage WBS Segment Definitions:


Global Navigation Bar > Admin > Object Definitions > WBS Segment Definitions

What is a WBS Segment Definition?

WBS Segment Definitions give the ability to provide an descriptive names for segments of a WBS Number that represents your Tasks or SubTasks.  For instance, if your Task numbers are comprised of a multi-segmented WBS that contains Contract, Branch and Fund Source information, you can specify which portions of the WBS are defined as those names.  Then, when performing reporting functions, you can report by "Contract", "Branch" or "Fund Source" and have a list of WBS Segments to refer to.

WBS Segment Definition Maintenance Functions

The following functions are available when performing WBS Segment Definition Maintenance


Properties of a WBS Segment Definition

A WBS Segment Definition has the following properties:

  • WBS Type
  • WBS Segment Name
  • Starting Segment
  • Ending Segment

The WBS Segment Definitions List

The WBS Segment Definitions list displays the Contract and Task Roles that are configured and assigned to the iSite License.  The list will display the following information:

  • WBS Segment Name
  • WBS Type
  • Starting Segment
  • Ending Segment

How to Use the WBS Segment Definitions List

  1. Click on the WBS Segment Definition Name in the list whose information you would like to edit.

How to Add a New WBS Segment Definition

  1. Click the Add New WBS Segment Definition button in the toolbar.
  2. In the Properties section, fill in the specified properties for the new Help Document:
    1. WBS Type
    2. WBS Segment Name
    3. Starting Segment
    4. Ending Segment
  3. Click the Create WBS Segment Definition button to create the new record or click the Cancel button to abort the creation process.

How to Edit an Existing WBS Segment Definition

  1. In the WBS Segment Definitions List, select the record to be edited by clicking the WBS Segment Definition Name.
  2. On the Properties tab, fill in the specified properties for the Help Document.
    1. WBS Type
    2. Name
    3. Starting Segment
    4. Ending Segment
  1. Click the Update WBS Segment Definition button to update the record or click the Cancel button to abort the editing process.

Deleting WBS Segment Definitions

Deleting a WBS Segment Definition is a permanent change and cannot be reversed.  Proceed with caution.

How to Delete a WBS Segment Definition

  1. In the WBS Segment Definitions List, select the record to be deleted by clicking the WBS Segment Definition Name.
  2. In the WBS Segment Definition Maintenance page, click the Delete this WBS Segment Definition... button in the toolbar.
  3. In the confirmation message pop-up, click the OK button to permanently delete the selected record or click the Cancel button to abort the deletion process.

The selected WBS Segment Definition will be permanently deleted from iSite.

How to Delete Multiple WBS Segment Definitions

  1. In the WBS Segment Definitions List, click the check box next to each record that you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete WBS Segment Definitions... button in the toolbar.
  3. In the confirmation message pop-up, click the OK button to permanently delete the selected records or click the Cancel button to abort the deletion process.

The selected WBS Segment Definitions will be permanently deleted from iSite.

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